Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Imago dei

Imago dei "the image of God"

We talked about this in my theology class today and for some reason it really stood out to me... I have heard it before and knew what it was all about and things like that, so it wasn't like the first time I have heard it.

But this time I heard it, it was almost like I saw it new, everyone was created imago dei ...everyone was created in the image of God...everyone has the image of God in them...(i know your all saying duh to me, dont judge me)

I just think it hit me cuase i realized how much judging I do to others or treat them like garbage, and I really needd to stop that.

The title of my blog is namaste which means "I honor the Holy One who lives in you" and now Imago Dei "The image of God"

I love people and thats why I want to become a pastor, cause Im starting to realize more about everyone...its amazing!!!!

Thank you Lord for making us in the image of you!!!

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